Collection: AMOX

GROSSMANN was founded in the lighting town of Arnsberg in south westfahlia in 1968. In the founding years production was heavily geared to serving international lighting producers with components of all natures. From the very early days Grossmann made a reputation for for top quality products that were exported globally.
The 80´s were a crucial period in the development of Grossmann's lighting collection. Marketing and distribution nets were established. Contacts within the lighting retail sector were expanded. By the 90´s the Grossmann collection had developed and established itself as a second supporting element of the business. This exclusive lighting design quickly led to the reduction in the component business which was eventually replaced completely by the lighting collection.
Exclusive design, implemented with high quality fine materials in combination with explicit attention to detail has made GROSSMANN into worldwide renowned producer of decorative interior lighting.
On founding the sub-brand AMOX in 2011 Grossmann focussed on new accents in lighting design by high precision and effectivity.
Stagnancy is never present with Grossmann Amox. High demands in design, materials and quality are their driving force, to achieve the best every day for their clients.